
In less than two minutes you can meet our high school math teacher and hear how being with students energizes her.



Julie has had a wide variety of teaching experiences...

"During my college years I had the opportunity to serve at a K-12 mission school in the Marshall Islands as a student missionary where I taught sixth grade. My first teaching assignment after graduation was an eight grade, one-room school where I had at least student in every grade except third. After marriage, my husband, Joe, and I returned to the same school on the island of Ebeye where we had both served during college. For three years, he was principal of the 500+ student school and I supported our student missionaries as the teacher supervisor. Following our return to the States, I was blessed to be able to stay home and focus on raising our growing family of four children. When our youngest children, our twins, started preschool, I returned to teaching full-time. I have enjoyed various grade levels at several schools where we have always been blessed to work with wonderful colleagues and families. Pine Hills has been a great continuation of this journey for our family."


What does she enjoy most about teaching?

"I enjoy the opportunity to influence students in such a strong way. I recognize I'm with my students more hours (awake) than their parents. It's a responsibility I take seriously. I'm amazed that God trusts us imperfect humans to share his perfect love with each other, but this is His method for discipleship. It's truly awesome to see God work through me in my classroom when I'm open to His plans and direction."

My favorite educational quote?

"All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace." Isaiah 54:13  (NIV)