Visitation Day 2023




We are excited to have you and your child visit Pine Hills Adventist Academy. Our annual visitation day is Thursday, February 23, 2023. Our day will start at 8:00am and end at 12:30pm. We look forward to connecting you with our amazing teachers and our warm and welcoming student body. It is our desire that this opportunity will help you make an informed decision regarding your educational needs for next school year.

When you arrive on campus, your child will become a part of one of our classes for the day. All students will ‘bump up’ to the next grade level to give everyone a chance to experience what next school year will be like. We will begin the day by worshiping together as a school family. We will then give an overview of all that Pine Hills has to offer academically, spiritually, and socially. At the end of the day, we invite all guests to join us for a complimentary lunch.

Pine Hills Adventist Academy is intentional about fostering the spiritual development of each student. We offer a robust academic experience. And we strive to help our students develop positive peer interactions in an environment that is safe and supportive. We are very proud of our school and we believe that your child would benefit from becoming a part of our school family.

Please rsvp by clicking on this link. We will reserve your spot and make all the necessary arrangements to have you join us for the day. We look forward to seeing you soon!

All of God’s richest blessings to you,


David Carreon


Pine Hills Adventist Academy